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BlackBoard CAOS2 link

link to a decent linux terminal commands tut video ↓

linux commands that we did in class ↓

ctrl+c, ctrl+v (double click in the double comments "here" to select a whole word) ↓

    "date" for printing the current time and date.

    "whoami" for printing out the name of the currently logged in user.

    "cal" for printing out the calendar.

    "pwd" to print out the current working directory and to locate ourselves within the local directory tree.

    "echo" for printing out strings to screen.

    "man" for access to the manual page for some installed command.

    "apropos" to search for a keyword when the name of a man page cannot be recalled.

    "help" for help aon commands built into the shell.

    "ls" to list the contents of some directory.

    "tree" to show the contents of a directory and its descendants graphically for easier understanding of the directory and file tree.

    "sudo" to execute a specified command with administrative privileges.

    "apt" for the installation of software from the Internet.

    "cd" to change directories.

    "mkdir" to create a directory or directories.

    ">" for the redirection of the output of a command into a file.

    "rm" to delete files permanently.

    "clear" to clear and reset the terminal screen.

CAOS2 timetable
